Wednesday, June 1, 2011

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  • Huntn
    Apr 9, 09:04 AM
    The fact that a big sticking point in all of this was the social conservative nonsense about abortions and planned parenthood is just ridiculous. If this is all that many of our politicians can think about in times like these, we're ********** doomed.

    My sentiments exactly. Of course you can look around you and thank all the idiots who voted the idiots into office.

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  • Evangelion
    Feb 18, 11:23 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Notice Steve is the only guy without wine?
    He is undergoing treatment for cancer.
    What is so strange about him not drinking alcohol?

    He may or may not be receiving treatment for cancer, we do not know for sure. Maybe we shouldnt report these things as fact, since our only source is a tabloid?

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  • normwood
    Jun 10, 11:37 AM
    T...who? my area they are like Bubba's Cell Phone Service.

    I'm perfectly content with AT&T, but Verizon sure seems like a better business partner with so many current users.


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  • SeaFox
    Sep 19, 08:42 PM
    and why would this be needed?

    So you can run BootCamp on it? (


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  • krayziekray
    Jan 11, 08:58 AM
    Does anybody know how to get the contacts to sync? :confused:

    Yep, open up the Facebook app and tap "Friends". Then in the top right corner tap on "Sync", this will give you some options. Once selected, your contacts should sync.

    Hope that helps.

    :apple: KrayzieKray :apple:

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  • jav6454
    Feb 23, 04:15 PM
    Parenting fail. People should learn how to use the device and check if the device has parental controls.

    Truly, parents have become dependent on Uncle Sam to do the parenting work for them....


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  • nosen
    Sep 25, 09:58 AM
    how many of us actually care much about aperture...?
    me, very much so! :D

    According to TUAW:
    Aperture 1.5 has a new library system with better support for external storage, DVD's, as well as RAID. This should make a lot of Aperture users happy.

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  • yg17
    Feb 22, 12:21 PM
    So basically you pay like this for your phone now:

    1. Minutes
    2. Data on broadband
    3. Power for microcell

    ATT should pay you for this.

    The calls still go through the AT&T network. How do you think a call gets from the Microcell to the person you're calling?


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  • mrsir2009
    Apr 30, 03:56 PM
    If you need any kind of savvy to effectively and productively use an operating system, the operating system is poorly designed.

    Sorry, guys. New rules for the post-PC era. Complexity is OUT. Get with the game. Forget conventional IT logic. It no longer applies.

    Anyone who chooses the simplest operating system (like OS X and iOS, obviously) to accomplish the same tasks *is* savvy.

    Gotta remember that those to OSes are locked down to certain hardware. Not so much Macs, as there is quite a big selection of Macs you can buy... But as for phones, you have a choice out of 1 phone.

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  • dwhittington
    Mar 26, 04:27 PM
    Two questions:

    1) Is that an iPad on the table?
    2) Who paid for the coffee? :D


    1) Duh. If it were Android based, it would have coffee on it.
    2) "Who cares how they get it". LOL


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  • DeSnousa
    Apr 20, 07:59 AM
    Welcome to the team daygokid619 :)

    Your stats:

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  • likemyorbs
    Apr 13, 11:46 AM
    source - wiki
    In an ethnic sense, an Ashkenazi Jew is one whose ancestry can be traced to the Jews of Central and Eastern Europe.
    A 2006 study found Ashkenazi Jews to be a clear, relatively homogenous genetic subgroup

    Yes Corvus, that i already knew. But since they trace their roots to europe, and not the middle east, that technically makes them caucasian. And with the amount of blonde/red haired jews with blue eyes and fair skin i've met in my life, it's a hard pill for me to swallow to say they're not white. :p


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  • MacRumors
    Mar 23, 01:05 PM (

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  • Hans Brix
    Apr 1, 02:39 AM
    It's a little under $4/gallon for regular here in the Bay Area, Northern California.


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  • GilGrissom
    Oct 26, 07:43 PM
    Cah! It is the people who asked who should be embarrassed.

    I got there about 5 and about half-way around the block which was good enough to snag a shirt, keyboard and Leopard by about 6.15.

    My main purpose in commenting though is to say congrats to Apple on the management of the event, especially the policing of the queue. It was good to see they dealt with pushing in because, let's face it, they get the same money whether you push or not.

    (one machine Leoparded, two to go!)
    I agree with you there. I too thought they handled the queue very well and very professional. Well done Regent Street! Plus, well done to all the staff inside, seeing that armada of people constantly coming in couldn't be easy to face!

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  • sterno74
    Nov 2, 10:05 AM
    I can personally attest to being somebody who just switched to a mac. I've always wanted to own a Mac but didn't want to chance abandoning Windows completely. I'm a gamer and there's a few other apps that just don't exist for Apple that I use. Now I've got a Mac Pro dual booting OSX and XP Pro 64-bit.

    It's much easier to justify the switch when you know you can always switch back if you just don't like it.


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  • Jett0516
    Mar 19, 04:51 PM
    what kind of school would need the ipad over a mac or pc?

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  • DeJ
    Mar 13, 03:28 PM
    All is well with my i4 (Verizon)

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  • neonart
    Nov 21, 05:28 PM
    Does this mean we might actually see a 3GHz G5 Powerbook? :rolleyes:

    I know really. I could see the tagline now:

    The new PowerBook G5. Power cords are a thing of the past.

    Yea, kinda cheesy, but you get the idea. :)

    ARRGGGH! You guys beat me to it.

    I was certain we were getting G5 Powerbooks on Tuesday based on this news.:D

    Mar 24, 03:41 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Yeah this is a deal. I just called our local store and the guy said they're out of 16gbs nationally. Considering a 32...

    Not true. Just about every VZW store in Atlanta has them in stock...except for the one closest to my home!

    Apr 3, 07:57 PM
    I wasn't very fond of the utility panels on Mac OS X until I discovered that most of them were the same across a number of applications. After that I kind of love them for their consistency.

    And for the record, I hate the cluttered toolbars in Word.

    Nov 14, 10:18 AM
    even more good news for Apple and the ipod. more success for Apple ;)

    Apr 5, 09:00 AM
    Apple would not put a capacitive home button. If anything, they'd remove the home button all together and use some of the new gestures that appeared briefly in iOS 4.3 to multitask and go home.

    Nov 17, 06:41 PM
    So a 17 year old can do it but a gigantic company with $50 billion lying there can't. Seems logical to me. :rolleyes:

    Wake up Steve. Seriously.

    i'm sure all these white cases are the ones that Apple didn't want

    i would buy a kit, but not for that much. i know it includes the digitizer and LCD. still not worth it

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