Friday, June 3, 2011

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  • kingdonk
    Mar 1, 10:41 PM
    wiki calendar.

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  • aaaaaaron
    Feb 18, 04:46 PM
    Thats what I thought.

    i mostly thought that there's a lot of white people at that table :) haha

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  • stridemat
    Jan 6, 03:27 PM
    Facebook under settings

    Settings / Facebook / Push Notifications

    thanks for the help! I feel very stupid now!:o

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  • MacNut
    Apr 29, 12:46 PM
    The problem is not that we build too many highways to nowhere, it is that they don't know how to properly design a highway in the first place. Traffic jams are caused by bottlenecks. Adding 5 more lanes won't fix it if the bottleneck still exists. Lets fix the roads we have now and build them to allow traffic to move more freely.


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  • sam10685
    Apr 11, 03:18 PM
    Put almost 8 hours in so far. Really enjoying it! Having a really hard time with chapter 2-4. Are you guys finding it hard or is it me?

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  • Michael CM1
    Jun 22, 03:27 AM
    Yep. The Xbox will format the drive and let you use it for extra storage. The only problem is, no matter what the size of the drive, it will only let you use up to 16GB for storage. But yes, if you have a USB drive just sitting around gathering dust, might as well put it to use.

    I just noticed that. 250GB on the drive, 16GB to use. Well, beats nothing. I already figured out how to get Live Gold for $1 for a month, then found out about demos. Holy crap. It's taking forever for the NCAA 11 demo to download, but that should be awesome instead of dropping $50 on crap, like I did on the Wii version in 08.

    I may eventually end up wishing I had gotten the $300 system, but I did end up with a pair of free games with this. I can add a 250GB HDD for $100 and then be mostly the same except for built-in WiFi. That's saving $50 by running an ethernet cable.

    I sent you an invite or whatever on Halo. I think it was on Halo. Anywho, my name is the same as here except without the space. I slightly got better, but I'm still mostly running around and just shooting at stuff.


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  • gagebart
    Mar 13, 10:57 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I live in Arizona and we don't follow daylight savings time, but my phone jumped an hour ahead. I'm on AT&T btw
    Set your phone & computer's time zone to Arizona time, and sync again. Does that help?

    I just restarted my phone and it fixed its self

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  • DoFoT9
    Feb 28, 08:47 PM
    I have just figured something out in the server admin app that allows you to modify the services i will upload the images of this after i finnish uploading the rest of the images. this will take some time.

    have you used osx server before?


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  • randyharris
    Oct 27, 02:26 AM
    I sure hope that Apple does a bang up job of updating Mail.App for Leopard. I like the GUI to Mail but have to admit that it causes me a lot of grief that I've never experienced before with other mail clients...

    My fingers are crossed.

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  • cameronjpu
    Apr 12, 06:13 PM
    I bought a Verizon iPad because I have an AT&T iPhone. I figured that if one doesn't work, the other will. I saw no need to get two devices on the same network.

    But go ahead, explain to me why that's stupid, since I clearly don't get it and I'm ignorant. :rolleyes:

    Could be they made many more Verizon models. Could also be that ATT models are being bought for resale overseas. Nothing wrong with that, which is what the OP was implying, I think. Could also be a combination of the two, of course.

    Thankfully, there's no moral, ethical, or legal responsibility saying what you should do with your legally obtained, publicly available tech item. You can use it, blend it, sell it to your neighbor, use it as a frisbee, or even carry it on a plane and once you land, you can do all those same things EVEN if your plane landed near a bunch of Asians instead of near a bunch of white people. Crazy, huh?


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  • malnar
    Jan 4, 03:09 PM
    Why would you need GPS for a route you take daily? Traffic, I suppose...but still?
    That's 99% of my use for GPS apps - daily. They alert you to and try to route you around snarled traffic. If you aren't using an app that takes advantage of real-time traffic data, you are missing out on a very big part of the app's usefulness.

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  • twoodcc
    Apr 22, 09:11 PM
    Using WINE can work but it isn't easy, I tried and wasn't able to get it working. I will have to try again sometime.

    yeah that's what i've heard. i've also heard some people say it was easy, but they were running a non-gui version of linux. i'm not that good with linux yet


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  • *LTD*
    May 5, 10:34 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2 like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C134 Safari/6533.18.5)

    MS just doesn't get it. No OS X, no sale. Whenever MS tries anti-Apple marketing, they lose. They're completely out of touch, deer in the headlights style, in this new market situation. It's now becoming comical.

    They tried this garbage with their Laptop Hunters campaign a couple of years ago, where they showcased some yokels walking into a big box store and passing over Macs due to price.

    Apple went on to sell more Macs than ever before.

    Desperation breeds a lot of baloney. The PC and netbook market are contracting at an alarming rate, thanks to the effects of the post-PC era, where MS barely has any presence.

    Keep milking that Windows licensing cash cow, MS. Google and Apple have you right where they want you.

    May Steve Ballmer continue to drive MS into the ground. It's fun to watch.

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  • flopticalcube
    Mar 12, 03:13 PM
    Ha, ha...

    HST got you down? :eek:


    Just having a little fun with our friends south of the border. I'm actually on the West Coast.


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  • iBlue
    Dec 18, 11:09 AM
    Well I've not yet appeared in the news. Note that when I talk about the rebellious crowd, I'm referring to more than just you and the peopl in this thread. There has been a total overreaction to it in the news and by 'celebrities' over the country. In any case, that's not irony.
    I haven't noticed but I'm not following it all that closely. Just bought my track and hoped for it to work out.

    I meant it was ironic that the most seriously I've taken this is in talking to you after having said to you that you may be taking it too seriously.

    I sincerely hope not. I'd rather have anything other than a poor metal track being played continually on the radio over the festive period.
    Hey, it can't be worse than Spice Girls and many other ( odd choices.

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  • alust2013
    Apr 6, 02:15 AM
    I never understand this kind of thing. It's like someone saying "I can never buy a Honda because it just can't tow all the things I tow on my farm, or drive through deep mud." But then he drives his F350 every day 30 miles and back from home to town to do errands and get groceries getting 12 miles to the gallon. Most people would (and do) get a efficient small car for that sort of thing.

    The fact is, the iPad is mostly a content consumption product. It's REALLY REALLY good at being that. Sure you can get some things done on it, too, but that's clearly not the intent of this design. If you need power to crunch your data and be "300%+ more productive" then sure you need your F350 for the time and place where it's appropriate. The iPad isn't going to fully replace your desktop that you need to earn your living.

    For a lot of people, this means they don't need the super expensive laptop to cover their bases. They can get the cheaper desktop, with more power and bigger screen, and then have an iPad to cover their mobile (and again 90% of the time doing content consumption) needs.

    I suppose my post came off in the wrong way. I have nothing against the iPad per se, simply the concept of having it as a primary computing device. I have used one quite a bit, and it's a great device, however I would really rather not write long papers, do spreadsheets, etc with it. That's just not practical IMO. I do see your point of the full on computer not being fully necessary all the time though.

    The average normal person should not be touch typing. Before computers, the majority of homes did not have a typewriter. Most businessman did not have a typewriter on their desk either (their secretaries did), and certainly not a keypunch machine. This keyboard everywhere UI has only been common for 3 decades and hopefully will be gone in a lot less than another 3 decades. The popular tablets (PalmPilot, iPad) are good first steps.

    What's wrong with a keyboard or touch typing? I guess I don't see where you're going with this, as typing on a touch screen for long pieces of work or long periods of time is far less efficient. I see where the touch interface has its uses, but in some places it's just far less practical.


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  • wackymacky
    Nov 8, 05:13 PM
    imagine being able to walk around a store and scan items with your iphone for the company's information about the product. That's the kind of stuff we're gonna see in the not-so-distant future imo.

    Ummm. What about just snapping the barcode or data-matrix stamp on the product and looking it up, like you can already do?

    Seems like a lot of un-necessary fuss.

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  • 63dot
    Mar 16, 10:23 AM
    Excuse me, I was talking about consumer pickup trucks, not large16+ Ton HD shipping trucks.

    For smaller American trucks, I see them everywhere, whether it's a landscaper/gardener, construction worker/contractor, auto parts vehicle, city vehicles, fire captain, emergency vehicle, plumber, or a whole host of telecomm/techie workers.

    I think there will always be a considerable market for small to medium sized American trucks and maybe the US auto companies should focus mostly on those markets of small to mid-sized trucks (but not larger Isuzu, Mercedes, and Volvo delivery trucks) and also not try and take Honda, Lexus, Toyota, BMW, Nissan, Hyundai, Volvo, and Mercedes head on in sedans.

    At least around my parts, I rarely see a Toyota, Honda, or Nissan small or mid-sized truck in the occupations listed above. At the same time, consumer sedans are mostly foreign car companies as well as those super large delivery trucks.

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  • brucem91
    May 10, 09:05 PM
    My buddy gave me the copy he got.
    So i guess I'm outta luck!

    Oh well.... I guess I will go bother Best Buy for my Beta Code!

    Getting the application doesn't let you play. The game is online, and you have to log into SC II with a account that has a StarCraft 2 Beta Key registered with it.

    Apr 14, 01:40 PM
    Let's see if this one stays, Papermaster from IBM didn't last long so I'm curios to see if a former Microsoft person does fit in.

    Apr 5, 03:06 PM
    Are the fingerprints included?

    Nov 18, 11:21 AM
    I want mine programmed so when I walk by a vending machine it spits out a Dr Pepper and a honey bun.
    Then I can tell me wife I didn't do it, but waste not want not.....:D

    Nov 21, 06:22 PM
    "If you're in a warm room, for instance, you'll have much lower performance, since it requires the differential to work. Of course, maybe the information available isn't wholly accurate, but that's my understanding based on the description."

    If the chip operates at a relatively high temperature a differential shouldn't be hard to reach. For example, with the cell operating at 600 degrees there is not much of a differential change between room temperature and plus/minus 10 degrees.

    The article hinted at efficiency between twenty to thirty percent. Wow. This would be a huge leap above thermocouple efficiency, such as in radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTG's), which supposedly are only three to seven percent efficient.

    The applications for this are huge and heat sources are readily available. I, for one, would prefer an alcohol powered cell over a RTG in my computer any day. That whole radiation poisoning thing could ruin my bowling average.

    Aug 14, 03:18 PM
    Considering Apple just announced at WWDC that 50% of the Macs purchased in their retail stores were people that were new to Macs, I'd say that's a pretty good indication that the ads aren't hurting them, at least. I personally love the ads, as does my fiance. They're witty, funny, and rather annoying to the hard-core PC fanboys, which I think is a very good thing. I don't know how many times I've heard very similar arguments (the ones that John Hodgeman gives in the ads) from my hard-core PC fanboy friends. I also have friends that think they need to warn me about every "virus" that comes out, and I'm always sending them back messages both telling them that the messages they're getting are hoaxes (I've even given them the website to check them against, but they never learn) and also that I can't get any of the viruses they're worried about, but it seems they never get it. This ad campaign could do them a lot of good.


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