Friday, June 3, 2011

funny quotes and sayings about friends

funny quotes and sayings about friends. Funny Quotes amp; Sayings
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  • Mackilroy
    Mar 23, 07:36 PM


    I disagree.

    Whether you like the military or you don't, if we want them to survive on the battlefield it's important that they have the best equipment possible. If in some case that were an Apple product, all the more power to them if they want to buy it.

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  • discounteggroll
    May 5, 11:57 AM
    thats pathetic putting a mba 11" on the same level as a HP mini.

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  • ejfontenot
    Mar 11, 04:10 PM
    If you want a coupon for 10% off one of the best iPad cases for your new iPad, PM you email address and I will send you a coupon.

    Or you can find me in line and I can show you why you should buy this case!

    funny quotes and sayings about friends. funny quotes and sayings about friends. funny friendship quotes and
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  • vistadude
    Mar 30, 10:56 PM
    It doesn't show up in xcode either? Is there some option I'm missing?



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  • Yvan256
    Jul 15, 06:23 PM
    So, apart from all the discussions about exFAT and all... am I the only one who wish the SD reader was in the front?

    They could have made a black plastic strip the same thickness and width as the optical drive, meaning two long black strips in the front of the Mac mini instead of one, and put the reader on the far right of the second strip, just like the infrared receptor is at the right of the CD/DVD slot.

    Or even better, design some kind of CD/DVD slot with an SD reader built-in.

    I also wish Apple would be able to get the same slot-loading mini-CD/DVD capability as the Nintendo Wii.

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  • Daveway
    Apr 2, 12:12 PM
    I also find Pages very unimpressive. I haven't used it more than 20 mins. and that's because I didn't like it. I find Pages uses to much processor resources for a publishing program. I think that may be because of it's RT capabilities.

    For the most part I believe the team that designes the UI for Pages and Keynote are not very skilled. I Hate the UI for the 2 apps.


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  • funny quotes and sayings about friends. friendship quotes and sayings.

  • tcmcam
    Oct 17, 07:23 AM
    I'm a Treo user now....

    BUT, I would love an iPhone that has a "slide out" keyboard.

    I worry about all this. Seems like the expectations for the iPhone are getting a bit out of hand. I'm thinking many people are going to be disappointed with a version 1.0 product.

    What it will most likely do:
    - Be a cell phone
    - Be a great music player like iPod

    What it *may* do:
    - Be a great calendar client for iCal
    - Support e-mail
    - Have a web browser.


    There's the rub, they are now competing with every hi-end phone out there. Apple is basically making their own "Phone OS" from the ground up. What web technology would they use? Is this too ambitious for a release 1 product? If they try this great, I just hope it is good. They are suddenly going to have competition from Windows Mobile, Nokia, Treo, Blackberry, and the whole Motorola line.

    Let's remember with iPod, when it came out there were just some pretty lame competitors. The cell phone market is much more mature.

    Good Luck Apple!


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  • Gosh
    Nov 12, 06:39 AM
    I think it would be great to see John Hodgman as "Mac" in the next round of adds - because he's switched!:D


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  • Eidorian
    Apr 5, 04:53 PM
    Now we are playing with power.

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  • funny quotes and sayings about friends. Best Friends Funny Quotes And

  • citizenzen
    Apr 15, 08:19 PM
    crime, I'm not sure how I forgot that word. Mea culpa

    Nobody is saying you can't discriminate against someone who's shoved a gun in your face and asked for all the money in your cash register.

    However, what's your rationale for discriminating against someone who has sat down at a table and wants to order a hamburger and fries?

    Males are far more likely to commit violent crimes than females. If you were worried about statistics, then it would make sense to open an "ladies only" establishment.


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  • Sun Baked
    Sep 16, 07:35 AM
    Originally posted by fragiledreams
    Please stop the stability ************. We are not living in the age of windows 95 any more. Some of you guys live with illusions.

    But sometimes fantasy can be so much better than reality.

    And if you deviate too much, the drugs they'll give you in the looney bin will really warp your mind.


    Note: the above post has no basis in reality. But for those that have always used Apples, sometimes it's really hard to think like a PC user without drugs.

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  • mcguin2000
    Oct 19, 11:51 AM
    I'll be there. Are they closing beofre 6 and re-opening? Do you think there will be a queue.

    A fortnight of dreams. Leopard the iPhone!


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  • Hansr
    Apr 16, 03:24 PM
    Do you have a server to connect to? These are clients. I recommend going with MAMP and MysqlWorkbench as they are the most beginner friendly ones I can think of.

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  • kiljoy616
    Apr 17, 08:17 AM
    I can't say I am a fan of Adobe Flash as I am a big supporter of an open web, but I must say that if cross-compiled apps are inferior then the customers in the app store will certainly vote with their dollars to favor the natively written apps.

    You really don't know much about consumers do you. You have a lot of psychology to learn, the customer is for the most part dumb and does not vote with their dollars, if they do then you have a really bad marketing department, what a utopian believe haha.

    You must remember a product of say 100 dollars is not about selling to the whole world but just a percentage of it, a good product or a bad product its all the same for marketing its about the perception. Just look around your world its full of bad and really bad products and there are still people buying them. Palm sold for years good products and then started selling crap and yet people bought, even today Palm still sells and its their Marketing that really has gone down.

    Apple not only makes good things but they have a top notch marketing department. ;)


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  • macgeek18
    Mar 31, 01:45 AM
    It's currently $4.20 a gallon where I live. :'(
    I just got my license too, talk about bad luck.

    funny quotes and sayings about friends. friendship quotes and sayings.
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  • tonys
    Apr 21, 01:17 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    So what are your bets on when they'll magically appear in a bar?


    funny quotes and sayings about friends. funny quotes and sayings about friends. funny friendship quotes and
  • funny quotes and sayings about friends. funny friendship quotes and

  • maflynn
    Apr 22, 06:21 PM
    This fits LTD to a tee, taken from his link
    The results suggest Mac users can be seen, depending on your perspective, as bolder and more creative -- or elitist and more pretentious.

    funny quotes and sayings about friends. funny quotes and sayings about friends. funny friendship quotes and
  • funny quotes and sayings about friends. funny friendship quotes and

  • Frisco
    Sep 26, 07:48 AM
    CBS is now using the term NetCast (

    Goodbye free advertising for the iPod!

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  • tomiiino
    Oct 7, 08:02 PM
    Apple needs to do something about his supplies of iPhone 4 ... still in a lot of markets waiting time for an iPhone 4 is 3 or more weeks! Supplier can't keep up. It would be very logical to cut share of the iPhone 4 sales.

    There are some rumours that Apple bought out whole stock of AMOLED displays from Samsung? What for???

    look at twitter post from Eldar Murtazin who has incredible valuable information before hand -

    Apr 5, 10:58 AM
    Wow, their video reviews are a joke. Won't visit that site anymore.

    Apr 23, 02:45 PM
    His past policies and statement do not jive with the Tea Party, and I cannot imagine where that association came from.

    He's using the birther bit for publicity and attracting the flavor of the day (the Tea Party).

    Apr 5, 07:42 PM
    Am I the only one that's happy about adapters?

    I feel they give the maximum flexibility for the minimum port interference; I'd rather have 4 of these good-for-any-use ports on my computer than a set number of fixed use ports, some of which never get used.

    I guess it's just me?

    Apr 14, 06:47 PM
    Is this a good thing? He's been corrupted already :)

    May 3, 01:33 PM

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