Wednesday, June 1, 2011

funny christian quotes

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  • eva01
    Sep 13, 08:45 AM
    When i had surgery on my teeth like ten years ago they used a gas on me, i don't believe they use that anymore for anyone. I had surgery last july on my knee and they used IV therapy. And the last thing i said to the Doctor was "It tastes like burning" But seriously it tasted like burning.

    I thought that was the coolest thing ever. It feels cold going into your arm and it burns down your throat for some reason.

    You will be fine iGary so don't worry, i love anesthesia because it made me feel all loopy >_>


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  • shadrap
    Feb 18, 07:52 PM
    All the geniuses in that room and I am sure Obama still thought he was smartest.

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  • runninmac
    Sep 17, 10:51 AM
    What applestore was this? Woodland im assuming...

    I hate to say it but the situations not looking good. If I were you I wouldnt go into there for a while (2+ weeks) and then next time you go in dont make eyecontact with her. Then if she aproches you ask her.

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  • funny religious quotes.

  • MacBandit
    Sep 14, 01:57 AM
    Originally posted by scem0
    As soon as athere is a PC that is 3.5x more mehahertz then the most current powermac, then I am switching, even if it is in the 'wrong direction', yeah OS X is a great OS but if I cant afford the already slow-compared-to-PCs hardware to back it up, why get a mac at all. I can live with Windoze, and hope that it gets some major revisions, as long as my computer, that costs a lot less then a mac, runs faster then a mac. My rant is over. This basically sums up what I want to say:

    If apple doesnt release a hell of a good computer this Jan then I have got to say bye bye to my whole pro-mac life style, and go out and buy a faster, cheaper machine. A great OS and iApps wont make up for speed, no matter how cool they are.

    Not truly cheaper. Not truly faster.


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  • barkomatic
    Apr 23, 09:26 AM
    Trump is very rich but the scale of his wealth is insignificant compared to the expenses of the U.S. government. It's not as if he can reach into his pocket and pull out trillions of dollars and pay off the debt.

    Sadly, I think he does have a small chance of getting elected. He is a celebrity and Americans assign virtue and competence to celebrity for some sick reason.

    I agree with the other posters that he is purely a self promoter.

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  • some wonderful thoughts

  • Eraserhead
    Jun 11, 08:57 AM
    Networking and Internet has been gone through, as has software, so the only "bad" pages are now in Old Categories.


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  • Christian Prayer Quotes

  • Hallivand
    Apr 19, 09:43 AM
    Sometimes knowing about iOS in advance ruins the fun at WWDC....

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  • so you seen funny Quotes

  • SmileyDude
    Oct 26, 06:26 PM
    Of course I can see the other side of this. Writing universal apps is not just a matter of "checking a box" in XCode; despite what I've heard some non-coders say on the subject.

    I call bull -- I have a lot of code that I compile as universal at home and work. Sure it's a little more than checking a box, but for a lot of code, it's not much more.

    And for an app that started as Intel, making the reverse transition is probably much easier. There is no CodeWarrior legacy crap, MPW, etc, etc. It already compiles in GCC 4 and will continue to do so under PPC. The only remaining issues are endian issues and maybe the possible use of assembly code.


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  • Quotes On Music, Funny Music,

  • nniicckk
    Apr 12, 03:45 PM
    A little off topic, but question for those who need Office software, and also run Parallels/Fusion: Do you prefer Office For Mac, or do you prefer to run "regular" Office in Parallels/Fusion? Thanks.

    I would very much prefer to use the native Mac versions but they are not sufficient at times. My documents often start out as slides with diagrams, which I then reuse in a word document when the details are nailed down. Have you ever tried copying diagrams from PowerPoint to word or vice-versa? (as diagrams, not slides) Everything gets messed up and font spacing goes for a toss.

    The only real way to keep your sanity is to use visio for the diagrams. And visio isn't available for the Mac, nor can you edit the diagrams in word. So, fusion + xp + office 2010 it is.

    Yes, I could use omni graffle pro in lieu of visio, but it's ~$200 and I got visio for $10 under microsoft's home use program.

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  • Wedding Poems Verses Quotes.

  • weckart
    Feb 19, 09:30 AM
    Microsoft is based in Redmond, Washington.

    So Microsoft weren't invited ( ;)

    I am alarmed at the growth rate of Microsoft in the space of your post. One company is more than enough.:eek:


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  • Christian Love Quotes…

  • rust0r
    Nov 18, 09:31 PM
    The real crime is that there are people with hundreds of dollars to throw away on pretty phone covers while a billion people on the planet don't even have access to safe drinking water.

    I'm sure my logic will be ripped apart, but I've made my point. :cool:

    Do you have an iPhone 4 ? A car? Or other "non essential items" / luxury items ? EVERYONE, yes even individuals who want to make constant "poor starving African children" stance, have possessions they could do without. Sell your phone, sell your car, stop going to the movies, enjoy basic sustenance and give all your savings to foundations to help those in other counties...THEN you can scold everyone else about how they spend their hard earned dollars on luxury items

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  • gopher
    Sep 14, 06:33 PM
    Who says all the processing can't be finished in the processor before it goes out on the bus. If your software is optimized it will stay on the processor do its Altivec, do its L3 cache stuff, and then when it is ready to issue a result it will go out on the bus. But unfortunately most developers seem to be ignorant they can do that, and instead over utilize the bus slowing things down. The folks at Genentech managed a 5 fold speed boost by avoiding the slowdown on the bus. Remember with less stages it will take less processor time to finish tasks. So there are ways of optimizing software for the G4 that not every software developer has taken advantage of. And believe me my G4 iMac 800 Mhz is mighty fast even without all that L3 cache, and a 100 Mhz bus. I have yet to see a PC that can match it. Get Jaguar and be surprised by how fast a Mac is.


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  • Christian Spiritual Quotes

  • Adidas Addict
    Apr 19, 10:25 AM
    I totally agree. Why anyone would hold out for that color and why Apple spent so much time trying to get that white paint to work properly is beyond me.

    It won't be beyond you once you see how fast it sells. ;)

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  • Ugg
    Apr 12, 05:57 PM
    If people are less likely to use a cashier who is an ethnic minority (which I dispute, but anyway), would that make them less productive and less valuable for their employer?

    So, if it is thought that an ethnic minority would actually do a job worse, because of other people's discrimination, then ethnicity technically would make a difference to their ability to do a job.

    Would this be grounds for not employing them?

    I just don't see that in real life and I think it would be almost impossible to prove in a court of law.

    My belief is that we need to move beyond skin color and towards a system where the economically repressed are given a better chance to move up the ladder of success.


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  • Really Funny Quote.

  • Porco
    Mar 26, 03:27 PM
    So Steve said "Let's go discuss this somewhere more private"?

    Presumably Eric replied with "well maybe if you don't want people to know what we're doing, maybe we shouldn't be doing it!". :p

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  • Bote
    Sep 17, 01:49 PM
    Look at it this way. There are a limited # of apple stores in any one area, but there are beautiful women everywhere. I advise you to look elsewhere or you will be ordering all your new equipment from the online apple store. :)


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  • NT1440
    Apr 3, 12:54 PM
    If states went into deficits because people didn't have enough money to pay their taxes how will raising taxes solve this problem?

    Did you read the article at all before posting? :confused:

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  • muncyweb
    Apr 5, 03:06 PM
    Are the fingerprints included?

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  • gkarris
    Mar 29, 04:01 PM
    I am tempted to buy one for this reason. I was able to look at one in a store earlier today and wow, its ugly.. I really prefer the look of the DSi a lot more, the 3DS just looks horrible compared to the DSi.

    The 3D aspect really means nothing to me as I cannot see anything in 3D (glasses based or this I assume) because of my vision issues. The idea of having better graphics compels me, however I'm not sure if I will get one just yet.

    The screens are more vibrant on top of that.

    The 3D is an option. The better graphics alone is worth it - though I'm hoping it's not going to be all just "updated" N64 games.

    If you are not using the 3D - I'd wait until the price drops and maybe a slimmer version is available...

    Gasu E.
    Nov 14, 08:43 AM
    "Mummy, why is that man watching those naked people doing things to each other." :p

    Sep 25, 10:23 AM
    Apple doesn't have to have a public event to update the machines. They'll just appear on the website someday.

    Exactly. MacBooks appeared with no fanfare at all.

    Sep 27, 11:09 AM
    Never fear. Apple will invent a new number, complete with a new character. 10.4.9 will include updates to all system font files and keyboard layouts containing this new symbol.

    Now that's innovation.

    Ya, who says they won't use hex? Although if they have been using hex all this time it would have been OS A instead of OS 10 :) :)

    Sep 20, 02:32 PM
    I've read the various comments about problems with the updates with RAID 0. Can anyone confirm if the update goes ok on RAID 1? I would think it would since from a boot point of view they might as well be individual disks.
    I would say it still wouldn't work, as the OS X RAID implementation is software RAID. Hence, OS X has to boot to get the RAID array working.

    In the case of RAID 1 if it did work it might break the mirror (no big deal).

    Give it a shot. Worse case it won't work; shouldn't affect your data at all.

    Nov 22, 08:04 AM
    Interesting concept, but their website ( scares me away in a hurry. What was that about making a good first impression?

    What scares you about the website?

    I am also skeptical about the claim of 30% efficiency. If we had thermoelectric materials that operated at that efficiency, we could all say goodbye to refrigerator compressors and turbine generators in favor of devices with no moving parts, higher reliability, and no CFCs.

    30% does seem high ... solar energy doesn't even get that (at least currently available commerciallly) - I wonder if this could somehow be combined with solar voltaic cells to increase their efficiency. For instance, what about a strip on a laptop that harnessed enough light to power something as well. I mean calculators run on ambient light.

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